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  • When You Are Running Out of Steam

    Unhurry Hack: God’s armor readies us for every battle—the uphill battle, the daily battle, and even the infamous battle of a lifetime. First Read Ephesians 6 Focus verse: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Ephesians 6:10 (CSB) Are you in need of mighty strength today? Do you ever find yourself running out of steam? Like a small little engine chugging along life’s uphill battles, we fear at any moment that we could run out of our last drop of strength and slide all the way back down. The fall might be hard, but so is the climb. Life is just plain hard at times, but there is hope for us today. Lord I am weak, but you are strong. Meet me here today. It’s easy to listen to the world when we feel ourselves running on empty. “Experts” are quick to tell us to be strong and sell us on self-help and self-care. So we look down at our tired little locomotive and decide that we just need a fresh coat of paint or a shiny new whistle. And while some of these things might be helpful, they are temporary at best. True soul-nourishing strength comes from the Lord. It is easy to tell ourselves (and others) to stay strong, but this is only possible with God’s might. We can’t forget to tell of the best part--our staying strong is really more about our standing firm on Christ’s victorious ground. For too long we have believed the lie that “I can be strong in myself by the strength of my own might.” However, the promise of this mentality is as earth-bound as a gym membership. We need to tackle more than what we can see. We can grit our teeth and hold on for dear life, but nothing changes until we let go—in Christ. Oh, but God! In beautiful surrender He meets us in our weakness. Yes, in the Name of Jesus, by His blood, in His authority, according to His Word, in the power of His Spirit, we are strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Paul reminds the Ephesians (and us) that our struggles are less about what is seen, and more about what is taking place in the spiritual realm. The enemy wants to defeat us and build strongholds of counterfeit rule in any area of our life that he can. The only sure way to stay strong is to seek the Lord. God’s armor readies us for every battle—the uphill battle, the daily battle, and even the infamous battle of a lifetime. Nothing takes God by surprise. God is always combat ready and Ephesians 6:10-20 invites us to slip on His victorious complete armor so that we can stand firm against all the strategies of the devil. Only then are we able to stand up under the crushing weight of attack. As a Child of God, strength is not measured by our human ability to bear weight. Thank goodness, because the pressures of life are often more than we can lift and hold. But daily as we write God’s Word on our heart and learn His promises and truth; as we pray, as we live out the gospel and admonish others, we are strengthened and remain standing in the strength of His might. What area of weakness do you need to surrender to God’s mighty strength today? JOIN ME IN PRAYER TODAY: Father God, I am weak, but you are strong. Meet me here today. I ask that you would: Open my eyes and help me surrender my struggle and the battle of this day. Tie your belt of truth tightly around my waist. Cover my body with the breastplate of your righteousness. Fasten sandals of your gospel peace upon my feet. Ready me with your shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit which is the mighty weapon of your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • God Is Still Good Even In Moments Like These

    UNHURRY HACK: We can’t forget who God is when see or experience suffering. First Read Job (focus verses: 1:21, 19:25, 28:28, 38:4, 42:3,12) The book of Job is known for its theme of human suffering, but I wonder too if there isn’t some daily life application hiding in there as well. Read 10 Take-aways for daily application below I’ve often kept this book of the Bible filed in my mind under “biblical extremes,” as in only needed when experiencing extreme suffering, or just too hard on my heart to read and understand. But that’s just not true. We need every part of the Bible every single day because every part of the Bible point us to Jesus. I believe that meditating on the book of Job redirects our heart to the daily awe and wonder of our Mighty God, as well as reminds us who and where our true help comes from. From daily disruptions to disaster and devastation, these words are for us today. God is still good even in moments of suffering, even moments like these… We can’t forget who God is when see or experience suffering. God will never leave us nor forsake us. He never stops watching over us. God never stops being all-powerful and all-loving. We have to remember this while we read about Job and think upon human suffering. God sees and hears what you and I experience and we can’t lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), but we can lean on the strength and security of Christ's hand that holds ours and bears the pain with us instead. Psalm 121 is a blanket to snuggle up in as you read through all of Job’s 42 chapters. Our help will always come from the Lord. Where does our help come from? It’s not in the mountains or hills we see…it’s not in scrolling and texting, and it’s not even kept steadfast in the well-meaning conversations among friends. Even these are fallible. Our true help comes from the LORD, and when we cling to the Maker of heaven and earth, His true peace and wisdom permeate our circumstances. As one of the oldest books in the Bible and part of the wisdom literature in the Bible, we have much to learn. I can’t imagine losing everything dear to me like Job did. Few people can truly say they have lost EVERYTHING. By chapter 2, upright Job lost his wealth and belongings, his household and children, and suddenly finds his own health in crisis. Two words have echoed throughout time and I find myself wondering as well, “Why God?” Why must there even be suffering at all? Surely he didn’t deserve such treatment. Does he? Does she? Do I? Job tenderly responds to his suffering by saying: Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will leave this life. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1:21) Later, he also asks “why?”He knew the God he worshipped, but his heart was aching. Try circling all the words “why” and the phrase “if only” in Job’s opening speech. There are many. I so appreciate seeing the raw and vulnerable side of Job and it warns me to not let feelings take the wheel, but to steer into the steadfast nature of God. This question of “why” can drive us to the Eliaphazs, Bildads, Zophars, and Elihus of today. They’ll tell us what they think and might even dapple statements with enough of God’s Truth to make it believable, but at the end of the day, there is only one All-knowing God. These friends of Job offered much needed company and a listening ear, but then piously felt compelled to explain what their human heart could not understand: It must be you Job, what did you do? What did you forget to do? We are fixers, aren’t we? Maybe we should be worshippers instead. (Lord, help me get here) In place of answers, sometimes we just need to bask in the presence of our Sovereign God. Job nails it in a prophetic moment of clarity. We don’t have to like our situation and we can be real with God, but we can also cling to how the story (Job’s, yours, and mine) ends: “But I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the end he will stand on the dust” (Job 19:25). Praise God! Job ironically hoped his story could be etched in stone so that one day maybe his name could be cleared or somehow his suffering could be avenged and redeemed, but it already was (and so is ours) in Jesus Christ. Your story matters (a trendy and true phrase that we hear a lot these days), but what matters most about your story is the beginning and end. Who is standing on the dust? We can either live suffocated and hopeless underneath it, or victorious with Christ as our Redeemer who stands upon it. Does your story begin with Christ? When we surrender our heart to the salvation and lordship of Jesus Christ, a victorious story begins and continues in the arms of our Redeemer. We live in an informational age full of technology and resources at our fingertips, but I think we’ve always been a people desiring explanations. It’s how mankind discovered gravity and the solar system, and the how to bake the best chocolate cookies. That part is not new to the story of Job. Our mind is wired to think and create and solve, but God has always been our answer. Our Redeemer lives, and one day He is going to stand on all the dust of days! Are you awe-struck by God’s power? Humbled by His love, grace, and mercy? We can’t explain the “whys” of things so great as these. And we aren’t asked to, only to trust that the bigger picture (the one God sees) of His glory and reason are perfect. When you take God out of the equation or jump ahead, it always leaves room for error. Caution lights should begin to flash when we rely wisdom of the world. O Lord that my heart would default to seek YOU first and stay there! Every human word we hear must be measured up against the perfect safety and accuracy of the Word of God. Jesus is our plumb-line, not the thoughts and measures of this world. In a hymn to wisdom in Job 28, we see once again that the worship of God should be the place our heart and mind should camp out and stay. “Where then does wisdom come from and where is understanding located? (verse 20). The answer comes a few verses later, “The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom.” (verse 28). There it is again, that daily awe and wonder in worship of our amazing God. Unhurry my heart Lord to stay at your feet in worship so that I can navigate both the good and the bad with a heart of praise. We can learn and trust God’s character, but as Job learns, perhaps we aren’t always meant to figure out God or His ways. “Where were you when I established the earth” (Job 38:4), God asks Job (and us). After listening, Job concludes that God’s ways “they are too wondrous for me to know” (Job 42:3). What a good reminder that we aren’t God and that our human conclusions are so limited and small. There is a great God with a great glory who reminds us often not to lean on our own understanding, but instead to stand with our Redeemer in the midst of it all. What a loving God we have who draws near to us in our Job moments of suffering and our Job moments of anger & sulking. And only our loving amazing good, good God would end a story like Job’s with restoration and blessing. It’s ours too, and that’s standing on the dust my friends! So the Lord blessed the last part of Job’s life more than the first. (Job 42:12) DAILY APPLICATION 10 take-aways from the book of Job: Human understanding is limited and not always accurate. Counsel and close friends can’t ever take the place of God’s Word and Truth. Ultimately we may never understand WHY, but we can always stand firm in WHO. God still draws near to us even in our ugliest moments. In true surrender, every gift or daily blessing we receive belongs to God anyway. Our Heavenly Father is good and loving. God’s character is not determined by my circumstances. It is important to read scripture in context. We can be real and vulnerable with God and ask Him questions, but must also rest in His perfect sovereignty. In Christ we truly have all we need. JOIN ME IN PRAYER TODAY: Dear Lord, you are all-wise and all-powerful, and even in the moments I can’t understand like suffering and injustice, help me remember that I can trust YOU. You are a good God, and a you are a good Father. You still love this beautiful broken world and in Christ you are making all things new. Praise be to your matchless Name, one day all suffering will end and only your glory will remain. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • When We Find Ourselves in Absent Ritual

    UNHURRY HACK: In our fast-paced world, we have to be extra vigilant not to rush our time with God. First Read Psalm 50 Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High. Psalm 50:14 (NLT) Are you complacent to God’s holiness? We are quick to disagree, but sometimes the rhythms of daily routine can keep us performing rituals rather than acts of true worship. Psalm 50 is a good reminder that God wants a heart of thankfulness and praise over anything we could ever bring him. Does your mouth ever sing lyrics of praise music without true worship? Do your prayers ever become rote and distant? Does your Bible ever remain as printed words rather than written on your heart? Do church and small groups ever become a place to just show up and leave? These are all symptoms of empty ritual, and God desires more for us. God desires to meet with us in these moments. In our fast-paced world, we have to be extra vigilant not to rush our time with God. He is deserving of our full attention. Psalm 50:1 says, The LORD, the Mighty One, is God, and he has spoken; he has summoned all humanity from where the sun rises to where it sets. The Lord calls to us each day, not because he is in need of something, but because our Mighty God loves us. Psalm 50 calls out God’s people who were diligent to bring animal sacrifices, but were only going through the motions. Jesus Christ paid the debt of our sin once and for all and today we live under the gift of grace, yet we can still fall into ritual over true worship. What Can We Do? This week as you read your Bible, 1. Try circling names of God and words that describe his character and action. 2. Read the lyrics to praise and worship music and let your song become prayers of praise. 3. As you pray try the ACTS method: Praise God for who he is (adoration). Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of sin and let your heart break before him as you ask forgiveness and turn back to God (confession). Remember what God has done, is doing, and promises to do (thankfulness). Then bring your prayer requests to God (supplication). A prayer below has been written in this format based on Psalm 50 to get you started. God desires his holiness for us, that we might experience the joy and peace that comes from walking in step with him. He wants our whole heart. When we find ourselves in absent ritual, it is time to make thankfulness our sacrifice to God. He is God and we are his people. Focusing on who HE is naturally moves us to hearts of praise and the ways that we practice worship will begin to fill with awe and humility as a result. Remembering our WHY always begins with remembering our WHO…true change always starts with Jesus. Join me in prayer today: Father God, you are LORD, the Mighty One. Forgive me for the times I’ve made worship all about self and routine. Forgive any sacrifice of empty ritual I have placed before you. Thank you for your grace. Rekindle praise in my heart and remind me often of your character and promises. Swell my heart with thankfulness today. Grow my relationship with you deeply. Let anything I do for you reveal true love and devotion. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • You Are Meant For Extraordinary

    Unhurry Hack: We were meant for an extraordinary life because we were created for an extraordinary relationship with God. FIRST READ: Colossians 1:15-23 I’m told the odds are one in a million, yet on an ordinary day I stumbled upon something extraordinary. Finding a four-leaf clover is uncommon, but yesterday I happened to find a rare five-leaf clover. My heart is always so humbled to see examples of exceptional beauty in God’s creation. I don’t believe in luck, signs, or superstition because there is One True God who is bigger than all of that. Instead, I find myself moved to complete awe and wonder of the Lord. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16 There is much to praise when we slow down enough to take note of God’s glory. Who He is, what He’s done, what He’s doing even now. Evidence is all around us…His glory fills the pages of the Bible as the Living Word speaks to us of God’s great love and power. It tells us of His promises fulfilled and the promises we still await. “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Revelation 4:11 My grandmother Martha taught me how to notice the beauty in simple things. With a savored pace, we often walked hand-in-hand through the field near her house. It was here that she taught me to slow down, listen to birds, and find treasures like buckeyes, four leaf clovers, and the freshly fallen spike balls from the sweet gum tree. She taught me to slow down, lean in, and take note. Perhaps that’s why I was drawn outside with my afternoon coffee to walk along my garden and bent down to look at a patch of clover. As I was making mental notes of the weeds I needed to spray, it was here that I saw the extra leaves and a misshapen clump of heart-shaped green. 1…2…3…4…5 leaves on one delicate stem. I didn’t even know that was possible! Thank you Jesus for letting me see this extraordinary sight. I plucked the beautiful gift and tucked it into the pages of my Bible. Psalm 5 seemed a perfect place... But I enter your house by the abundance of your faithful love; I bow down toward your holy temple in reverential awe of you. Psalm 5:7 (CSB) Christian Standard Bible We were meant for an extraordinary life because we were created for an extraordinary relationship with God. I enter your house by the abundance of your faithful love...Clothed in Christ’s righteousness we are welcome in the presence God. How do we do that? It is only by surrendering our life to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21(NLT) New Living Translation God’s glory fills the world in the beauty and vast greatness of His creation, and it reminds us that we are His. Who but God can speak the heavens into existence? Who but God can form and breathe life into man? (see Genesis 1:1-31) God didn’t have to make us, but He did. What an amazing gift it is that though humanity broke away from that perfect relationship by sinning in the Garden of Eden that resulted in the fall of man, God loved us so much that He made a way for us to be redeemed and restored to that extraordinary relationship with Him. Slow down, lean in, and take note. God’s glory moves us to awe and wonder, but also points us to the greatest example of His love—the gift of the Savior. “This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him. John 3:16-18 The Message That is grace. Pure and simple. Just like there was nothing I did to earn, deserve, or accomplish my extraordinary 5-leaf clover…it is was gift. All I did was receive it. We don’t deserve or earn God’s gift of grace – this wonderful unmerited gift of salvation. We are saved from a life away from God and welcomed into His glorious presence now and for all eternity. We receive Christ, and from there we begin a new extraordinary life in him. It is time to live daily in God’s extraordinary love, hope, joy, peace, and power. Would you like to pray with me and ask God for this extraordinary gift of salvation and new life? There is no special formula of words, just express your heart to God. I would be happy to guide you in a simple prayer like this one, similar to what I prayed when I decided to become a follower of Jesus Christ: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me. I receive your gift of your salvation today. I believe my sin has separated me from you God, and Jesus Christ is the only one who can make me right with you, not myself or any behavior or merit. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for my sin on the cross, was buried, and rose again. Begin your work in me today by your Holy Spirit, making me more and more like Jesus every single day. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. If you prayed this prayer or one similar, then “Welcome!” You have always been a beautiful creation of God, but now you are a Child of God. You now belong to the extraordinary family of God. What next? I like to say, plug in & dig in! Plug in church family – fellowship with other believers and the shepherding of a pastor will help you grow in your daily walk with God and in the understanding of His Word – the Bible. Dig in to the Word – The book of Ephesians is a great place to start along with the Gospel of John. The Bible can be overwhelming, and it helps not to read it intentionally and with context & care. A small group Bible study can really help foster understanding and friendship! And don’t forget to talk & listen to God in prayer anytime, anyplace, & about anything!

  • When Our Soul Needs Springtime

    UNHURRY HACK: Busyness can keep us missing the simple beauty around us FIRST READ: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. What sights and sounds have paused you to praise this week? There is nothing like a spring flower popping up in the middle of cold winter to remind us that spring is on its way. Daffodils are usually the first to arrive. These little splashes of yellow seem to peek out of the most unexpected places. Have you seen them? As you drive and walk around town this week, take note of these delicate stems emerging from piles of dead winter brush and barren soil. Let it move you to pause and praise our God for fresh new mercies. No matter our circumstances there is always a reason to praise. Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. After cutting a few daffodils from my yard I couldn’t help but enjoy the warmth of the sun on my back. Sunshine warms our outsides, but also has a way of warming our insides, and I found myself thanking God. I mention this because my day had been a busy one, full of projects and deadlines. I could have easily let busyness dismiss this simple beauty. Sometimes it is the simple things that remind us of God’s character and promises, and the reminder to slow down and enjoy His presence. There is an old hymn called, “There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today” and one of the lines from the chorus goes like this: “There is springtime in my soul today, for when the Lord is near, The dove of peace sings in my heart, The flowers of grace appear.” Is there springtime in your soul today? Will you make time to hear peace singing and notice the flowers of grace all around? The humbling piece to these early lyrics is that the composer of this beloved hymn, Eliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920) was an invalid at the time she wrote these words. How did she write with such joy? After being devastatingly injured by one of her students, this teacher had every reason to be angry and bitter. Her injury was unfair and painful, yet she remained focused on the Lord. Even after being confined to her bed for months undoubtedly wondering if she would ever teach or even walk again, Eliza still chose joy. Her love for Jesus determined her praise rather than her circumstances, and the same can be true for us. Her love for Jesus determined her praise rather than her circumstances, and the same can be true for us. It brings God glory when we rejoice and pray and give thanks, and we are blessed by the joy this brings our soul when we do so. When we learn to praise God simply for who HE is, we too will find ourselves with springtime in our soul regardless of our season of circumstances. Take a few moments to savor the newness of spring today. Count how many daffodils you see. Let each one remind you of the fresh hope we have each day in Jesus and rejoice, pray, and give thanks. Join me in prayer: Father God, thank you for the newness of each brand new day, and for the hope your love brings me even in bleak seasons. Point me to praise and thankfulness today. Help me pray instead of any worry or fear. Flood my heart with your love like springtime for my soul. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • Moving From Fear & Distraction to Fullness

    UNHURRY HACK: Distraction often works hand-in-hand with fear by putting words up in front of us like "can't" and "but" in order to keep us from walking with God to his fruitful places of blessing. FIRST READ: 1 John 5:13-21 “Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.” 1John 5:21 Have you ever thought of fear as an idol? It sure does get a front seat in our head and heart sometimes. Has fear ever called for your attention, resources, or talent? Has fear ever led you to make a decision? Or kept you from making one? Me too. Fear has a way of leading us to what feels safe and easy, maybe even a quick fix. Has God called you to take a brave step lately? A step away from something? A step in a new direction? A step towards Him? Fear can keep us stuck and missing out on the wonderful things God has planned for our life. Distraction often works hand-in-hand with fear by putting words up in front of us like "can't" and "but"in order to keep us from walking with God to his fruitful places of blessing. The book of 1 John teaches that God is light, God is love, and God is life. This letter written by the Apostle John remind us of our hope and assurance as we live our life as a Christ-follower. Here are a few of my favorite verses: 1 John 1:5 1 John 2:1-2 1 John 3:1 1 John 4:9 1 John 5:1 And then comes its final closing sentence, “Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.” Final parting words are often dear and important. John longs for us to experience the joy with Jesus that he experienced. In this sentence, it is as if God lifts our chin and looks into our eyes here to say, don't let anything lead you astray from the best I have for you! 1 John warns us how distraction can lead to destruction. Following our own desires, feelings, and understanding leads us away from God's truth, and John reminds us here that there is a whole world out there of false teachers who welcome all who will listen and try out their lies. The devil awaits the opportunity to keep us from enjoying and obeying Jesus. Maybe it's getting us sidelined with an unhealthy habit of a new trend. Maybe it's luring us to man's words over God's Word. Maybe it's getting us to compare ourselves to others in order to keeping us stuck. At the time John wrote this letter, the church struggled with doing things only God’s way. They liked Christianity, but also liked the world’s way that fed their desires. Much like hearts today, they wanted both. John pleads for us to remember God’s rightful place. Our God is the One True God. God is light. God is love. God is life. We get comfy in our world and often find ourselves trying to live with one foot at God’s throne and one foot at the world’s altar. John reminds us that this doesn’t work and leaves us missing God’s goodness. John had experienced the glory of God first-hand through Jesus as one of His 12 disciples. He had seen, heard, and touched this great love and power and didn’t want a single person to settle for less! What stops us short of experiencing the fullness of God’s glory in our daily lives? Doubt, fear, busyness, complacency, to name a few, are just some of the areas that can keep us stalled out like an abandoned car for days or even years. Have you been there? Me too. We make all kinds of excuses and tell ourselves we can’t do what God tells us to do. Somehow we reason that God is asking us to do the impossible. However, God doesn’t need something from us; God wants something FOR us! More than an excuse, these defeating & distracting words are taking God’s rightful place of victory in our life today. What is holding you back today? God, I want to take that step, but… I want to believe you can, but… I want to keep praying, but… I want to forgive that person, but… I want to serve there, but… I want to give that, but… I want to let go of my past, but… I want to lead, but… I want to join a small group, but… I want to study the Bible, but… I want to love that person, but... I want to trust your provision, but… Which one of these do you identify with most? Are you wrestling with any of these today? It’s time to clean out the roadways, driveways, and alleyways of our heart and give God back the entirety of His rightful space. Hand over your fear to God and take that very first, maybe even small and simple, step in obedience. We’ve all experienced what it’s like to hurt, fear, and cling; yet these things can easily take God’s place in our heart if we let them. Essentially, they become idols that we set up in those places we’ve stalled out. They begin to call the shots instead of Jesus and they push us to bow to the world. Instead of praying through and letting God breathe His fresh new life and power into our situation, we just choose to live empty and defeated. That makes about as much sense as running out of gas and choosing to ignore the gas station in front of you. What is God leading you to do this week? Don’t stop short. Start by asking the Lord to show you anything sitting in His place, and ask the Holy Spirit for help to repent and obey. Join me in prayer: Lord, you are the One True God, deserving of all my worship. Reveal to me anything that has taken Your rightful place in my heart. I ask for the strength and wisdom to follow and obey you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • "Goals for Goals": 5 Things To Remember This Year

    Are you pressing reset on a few things this year like I am? There are 5 things that can really help us today: First Read: John 3:30 "He must become greater; I must become less" May every goal we set be a product of a heart desiring to be more like Jesus. We can ask the Lord to teach us about change and growth and to teach us HIS way. Here is a prayer to get us started: Father God, discern my heart today. What needs to reflect more of you? What talents and abilities need cultivating? Where can my hands and feet sere you best? Be not just my Savior, but Lord of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Now let's look at each of these a little closer: God's Word reminds us that we can ask for wisdom in all things (James 1:5). This reminds us not to get a head of the Lord, but to match our purpose and pace to His. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 NIV It's so important to learn how you tick. We are most fruitful when we try not to be other people, but who God made us to be. For example, I know I recharge best and work most creatively in solitude. Are you an introvert like me? I have found the book The Powerful Purpose of Introverts, by Holly Gerth to be an inspiring resource. There is beauty and purpose in the processes of growth and change. We often want to rush through the process, but that is where God is often most at work in our heart. "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians." 1:6 NLT Do you find yourself blowing past small wins on the way to bigger things? I do too. The big stuff grabs our attention, but these wins or even setbacks are a big part of our walk with God. Get with God today--talk, praise, laugh, cry, ask, wonder, dream, enjoy...let Jesus renew you with his perfect strength. "...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 God is faithful to grow us in our pursuit to put Him first in our life. We don't have to have everything figured out or reach every goal in a day...just daily lean in to Jesus and he will show you (and me) the way to go. Join me in prayer today: Dear Lord, direct my steps today as I set goals and make plans for this year. Help me to give you this space to reign as Lord of my life. Amen


    UNHURRY HACK: Busyness is a sneaky attack of the enemy, and especially when our routines are altered, it can be hard to make time to rest in God’s presence each day, enjoy Him, and drink in His Word. FIRST READ: John chapter 1 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 (ESV) How do you prepare for Christmas? In this season of Advent, it can be easy to let our focus get carried away with activity, traditions, and retail. And while celebration and gift giving are wonderful, it is good to pause for a moment each day and do a quick heart-check. Going forward in this busy Christmas season, it is good to ask ourselves each day, “who am I preparing for today?” The word “advent” comes from a Latin word that means “coming.” We celebrate Christmas because Jesus came into the world--"the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” And, the story doesn’t end when we take down the Christmas decorations-- “we have seen his glory!” Christmas reminds us not only to celebrate that Jesus came into the world as our Savior, but also reminds us to live daily preparing for His return as King. The story isn’t over yet! In John 15:4, Jesus invites us to abide in Him--do we dwell in His presence each day? That is our key to enjoying a growing relationship with God. Our Lord wants to spend time with us and teaches us daily through the gift of God’s Holy Spirit who indwells each believer (John 14:26). As a disciple of Christ we grow to be more like Jesus as we daily walk with Him. As a disciple maker, we can then tell others of His grace and truth and teach them how to walk with Jesus. Busyness is a sneaky attack of the enemy, and especially when our routines are altered, it can be hard to make time to rest in God’s presence each day, enjoy Him, and drink in His Word. And, without time in prayer and in God’s Word, precious opportunities to speak the Gospel message can get lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas activity. In the midst of Christmas celebration, we can blur right past Christ. This year try these 5 ways to seek Christ in the midst of Christmas busyness: 1. Do a heart-check each morning, ask yourself “who am I preparing for today?” 2. If you travel, pack your Bible-Bible apps are great, but seeing a Bible in your suitcase, is a great reminder to spend time with God. 3. Plan for distraction-intentions are good, but intentionality wins! just as you would pack the clothing and toiletries you will need, plan out your days with God, mark a passage or verse for each day to read and have an intentional strategy to walk with God when you are out of your normal routine. 4. Engage others-start up a conversation about what you read in God’s Word that day, pray together, and talk about the reason we celebrate Christmas. 5. Don’t over plan the day-down time is good for reflection, thankfulness, and enjoying quality time connecting with others. Join me in prayer today: Dear Lord, help me to battle busyness this Christmas season. In all of the festivities, let me not forget You are the one I am preparing to celebrate. Remind me to stop and spend time with you each day, and share the love and hope I have in you with others. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • Entrusting Our Efforts to God

    UNHURRY HACK: God gives us unique talents and abilities as well as unique situations and relationships, and we can place each one of these under God’s care and protection as He works in us and through us for His glory. First Read: 2 Timothy 1:12 (NIV) That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day. After meeting a friend recently for coffee, I walked away with shoulders slumped. For months I had tried to lead her to Christ, but to no avail. On the way home, I found myself praying, “Lord, I don’t see how I am really making any difference here.” Situations like these can leave us feeling like our efforts are small and dry in light of such a big need. It can feel a bit like we are leaving only breadcrumbs behind. What do we do with these people and frustrated efforts? God tells us to entrust each one to Him. Not a single “crumb” is wasted. With the mighty hand that fed 5000 from only a few loaves and fish, Jesus takes the seemingly small bits and He multiplies them for His glory. We don’t always see a fresh rising loaf from relationships we invest in or see the immediate conversion of a life changed. We don’t always see the heartiness of grains left behind from our efforts. Sometimes investing in people takes us out of our comfort zone. We long and hurt for the hearts of others to know Jesus. Investing in people always costs us something, even if it is just our time. These are pieces of suffering we do for Christ. These pieces are not scraps to be tossed away, but should be given to the Lord to guard and grow until Christ returns. Paul penned words that spurred on Timothy’s ministry and encourage ours today. We can have confidence in the message of the Gospel. Isaiah 55:11 reminds us that God’s word never returns void but instead prospers where God sends it. When we love others and open our mouths in the name of Jesus, we do so with the power of God’s Holy Spirit in us (2 Timothy 1:14). Like Paul, our confidence doesn’t come from evidence of our own performance, but from our intimate relationship with our God. We join Paul in saying, “I know whom I have believed.” God entrusts each of us with the message of the Good News, not only for our own heart but also to share with others. God gives us unique talents and abilities as well as unique situations and relationships, and we can place each one of these under God’s care and protection as He works in us and through us for His glory. This trust is beautifully woven together in Christ. God fills our life with people and situations in which we get to live out the gospel message that lives in us. And the very things God gives to us, He invites us to place under His care. They were never ours anyway. When we love and pray for someone or when we leave a situation at the foot of the cross we are entrusting them to Jesus. What safety, power, and hope for every situation or relationship today! Is there a person or circumstance in your life today that needs to be entrusted to God today? JOIN ME IN PRAYER: Dear Lord, you alone can take a situation that seems fruitless and grow it for your glory. You alone can change hearts. I trust you Lord, not in my visible efforts. When I entrust people and situations to you, they are safe under your watch and guard. Give me boldness and clarity as I share my faith and rest each crumb at your feet to care and grow in the power of your Holy Name, Jesus, Amen.

  • How To Wait Before God in a Busy World

    UNHURRY HACK: Waiting doesn’t have the appearance of doing much, but waiting in the Lord is a place of rest and trust while God in on the move. FIRST READ: Psalm 62, Joshua 6 I don’t like to wait, do you? And our world apparently doesn’t either. Buy it now, same day shipping, groceries delivered in an hour, the list goes on. We want it now…Instant things make us feel like we are getting things done and accomplishing the stuff of life. So as we seek the Lord, we can accidentally seek the “now” nature of our world too. Yet Psalm 62:1 (NLT) says, “I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him.” Our busy world today is full of noise and distraction; it is anything but quiet. So when I read the phrase “wait quietly” in the New Living Translation of this verse, it gives me pause. How do we wait quietly before God in today’s world? Psalm 62:5 gives us a clue, “Let all than I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken” (NLT). Waiting before the Lord: Is whole hearted Keeps eye on the true source of victory Places hope in God, not in the world Walks daily on firm foundation of God Maintains confident identity in the Lord Trusts God for protection Waiting doesn’t have the appearance of doing much, but waiting upon the Lord in this place of rest and trust allows God to shake up the scene. Waiting quietly upon the Lord builds unshakable faith that rests in His timing and listens for His voice. Psalm 62:1 in the NIV version says, Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. This waiting is a place of rest in God’s care and protection. It is trusting and entrusting. By His care and protection we experience God’s victory in His timing and in His power. While the waiting might seem empty, God is already on the move and getting ready to shake things up. My favorite example of God shaking victory out of the waiting is Jericho. Jericho walls fell not by tireless chipping and stone removal, but following the Lord and entrusting the battle to Him... As a leader Joshua did 3 things: 1. worshipped (Joshua 5:14) 2. trusted (Joshua 6:1-5), 3. obeyed God’s plan (Joshua 6:6-7) Joshua assembled men around the ark of the covenant with priests leading the way and sounded victory from a Ram’s horn, but instructed the people not to say a word until they were signaled to shout. They were to wait and trust the Lord. For six days they took one lap around the city. Then on the seventh day and final lap… When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city (Joshua 6:20)... Victory comes when we wait quietly upon the Lord. What if they had been too distracted or fearful to listen? What if they had rushed ahead of the ark? What if they had jumped ahead and blew the ram’s horn to early? What if they had stormed the walls? Impatience and distraction is nothing new, but such blessing awaits when we wait upon the Lord! Impatience, pride, fear, confusion, frustration, exhaustion, worry, distrust, complacency…are just a few of the things that get in the way of our waiting. We have been led to believe that we can do anything if we put our mind to it, and we have been taught that where there is a will there is a way. But without God’s mind and God’s will we are only led astray. Waiting on God’s timing is hard! I get it. I don’t like to wait either. As our world teaches us more rhythms of less waiting, the harder I think it will be to practice waiting on the Lord. Our flesh will want to reject it more and demand the immediate. I don’t like to waste time. But I am learning that waiting quietly upon the Lord is not wasting time. It is worship and communion with our Lord as we sit at His feet until He speaks. It is humility as we seek God more for our answers and next step. It is peace as we rest in His care. Worship, communion, wisdom, guidance, peace…these are all BLESSINGS from God. Maybe just maybe waiting upon the Lord is one more way that God allows us to experience His presence. If you are waiting today on answers today, remember that like Jericho, today’s steps are preparing for tomorrow’s victory. Today instead of tirelessly forcing things into action let God shake His victory into the landscape by His hand, His power, and His timing. If you are waiting on answers today, remember that like Jericho, today’s steps are preparing for tomorrow’s victory. How do we wait quietly before the Lord? One day at a time it is resting in unshakable faith and surrender. It is not about checking out, but about checking in! It is daily worship, trust, and obedience, for my victory comes from Him.


    UNHURRY HACK: Helplessness is not hopelessness, and where there is hope there is help. FIRST READ: JOHN 14 The world has been anything but still lately. Maybe that leaves you craving peace like it does me... We need some good news today and it is this: peace is still present. Peace is there waiting for us when we turn off the nightly news, after a conversation of “what-ifs,” and even in the worries that plague our moments drifting into sleep. If we only look and listen only to the world and to our own restless thoughts we will miss out on the Lord’s perfect gift of peace. Jesus promises us in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Evidence of peace is not the absence of problem, but the very presence of God guarding our heart in the midst of it. Are you living daily with peace amidst the problems of today’s world? By nature we cling to the things that are familiar and constant. This is one of the reasons we get homesick and why comfort dishes are the foods we crave when we are sick. Between ongoing politics and pandemic, weather and world events, I think our souls have been left craving familiar comforts like peace. If it all seems too much and leaves you wanting to shut down, let me be the first to tell you that you are not alone. Worry is a common topic of conversation these days and I battle it too. Perhaps at the root of our worry is also a feeling of helplessness. Yet in Christ we don’t have to stay there. The Bible reminds us that peace is still right here, and we can cling to God’s promises regardless of circumstance. Helplessness is not hopelessness, and where there is hope there is help. Instead of worry, let’s feed our soul. Jesus is tender to welcome us and he’s firm to remind us in John 14:1, “do not let your hearts be troubled.” That verse although comforting may leave us wondering, “how in the world do I do that?” Well, first off we can’t look to the world to do this. So we need a new question. Let’s change it to, “How in (Jesus) can I do that?” Jesus is faithful to show us. Maybe we find ourselves saying, “How can I do that?” Again, we need a new question. We can’t find un-troubledness in ourselves. At best we can only temporarily distract. This is where I believe we have a choice to rid worry, and also where we can be raw and honest with God. “Lord, I don’t want to be troubled, show me how to let go of my worries and rest in the peace that you promise! I can’t do it on my own.” And that right there (honesty and humility), puts us in a posture of prayer under the right authority of our One True Savior. Thomas asked Jesus in his final days, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5). Jesus assured him (and us), “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). This is true for our eternity and it is true for our daily life. Jesus is the way to experiencing peace regardless of what is going on in our world. Worry vigils only keep us worried. They don’t really protect us or help us problem solve, many of which our human minds just do not have the capacity to understand. Proverbs 3:5 wisely points us to lean not on our own understanding because our paths are made straight by trusting in the Lord with our whole heart instead. This is where we can dig our heals in and stay. It is human to feel troubled but we can trade it for praise. When Jesus predicted his death, he said in John 12:27-28, “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!...” We too can rise above our troubles when we choose to: 1). Pray for God’s will to be done 2). Praise and glorify the name of God. Fear requires a lot of energy! Why spend needless energy on fear when we can rest right there in God’s peace? More than just letting go of worries, we have to know where to turn and what to hold on to instead. It comforts me to know that in the face of whatever troubles my soul this day that I too can cry out, Father, glorify your name! This is a powerful prayer and scripture records in the remainder of John 12:28, Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” JOIN ME IN PRAYER: Father God, may your Name be glorified in all the world today. Greater than any evil, peril, or hardship that I hear about or experience--I will cry out to you instead of worry. Take the troubles stored in my head and heart this day and replace them instead with your gift of peace. May the Holy Spirit empower me to grow the fruit of peace in every area of my life and may it become a testimony I get to share this day that peace is still present and found in you, Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • 5 Areas to Pray Daily For Our Schools

    Whether you have children or not, did you know that you hold a valuable role in the lives of our schools today? Each day cars and busses load up precious cargo and drive into a mission field. Our schools are not only places of learning, but also places of relationships, character building, and yes ministry. Children are bold and precious evangelists. Friendships grow, hope is spread, and the name of Jesus is spoken. Nothing is sweeter than a child sharing the gospel message with another child. Only heaven will tell of the countless testimonies shared on the playgrounds and lunch tables. In Matthew 18:3, Jesus tells us our faith should be like that of a child too! When we pray for our schools, we are also praying for these young missionaries and disciples. Will you pray for student friendships this year? Prayer makes a difference in the lives our students, teachers, and staff. As a former teacher I remember how challenging it was to manage a classroom and ensure that every child’s needs are met, all while handling the pressures of policy, performance, and even parents. Every workplace is a mission field and the relationships we build with our coworkers in any profession may lead to ministry opportunities as well. Will you pray for teachers and staff friendships this year? Prayer is extremely powerful (James 5:16) and makes a difference in our school system. You and I have the opportunity to take part in the charge of Proverbs 22:6. Let’s start the children of our community off on the way they should go with purposeful prayer. How can you build a habit of praying over our schools? Try this: Start a personal prayer ministry by identifying one school to intentionally pray for this year. Is there a school in your neighborhood or one that you pass by in your daily commutes? What if you prayed every single time you drove by? Most schools include an employee directory list on their website. Print one today and stick it in your Bible or prayer journal. What if you made a point to intentionally pray for those teachers and staff by name? There is such power in prayer! As we pray for the schools in our community, essentially we are praying for the next generation of men and women. When we stand in the gap and intercede we are asking God’s hand to move in mighty ways in our community and around the world. We are praying for discipleship and disciple-makers. We are praying for future leaders who will stand up for God’s Truth. When we begin to view children as tiny disciples, our hearts will want to pray.

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