UNHURRY HACK: Busyness can keep us missing the simple beauty around us
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
What sights and sounds have paused you to praise this week?
There is nothing like a spring flower popping up in the middle of cold winter to remind us that spring is on its way. Daffodils are usually the first to arrive. These little splashes of yellow seem to peek out of the most unexpected places. Have you seen them? As you drive and walk around town this week, take note of these delicate stems emerging from piles of dead winter brush and barren soil. Let it move you to pause and praise our God for fresh new mercies.
No matter our circumstances there is always a reason to praise. Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. After cutting a few daffodils from my yard I couldn’t help but enjoy the warmth of the sun on my back. Sunshine warms our outsides, but also has a way of warming our insides, and I found myself thanking God. I mention this because my day had been a busy one, full of projects and deadlines. I could have easily let busyness dismiss this simple beauty.
Sometimes it is the simple things that remind us of God’s character and promises, and the reminder to slow down and enjoy His presence. There is an old hymn called, “There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today” and one of the lines from the chorus goes like this:
“There is springtime in my soul today,
for when the Lord is near,
The dove of peace sings in my heart,
The flowers of grace appear.”
Is there springtime in your soul today? Will you make time to hear peace singing and notice the flowers of grace all around? The humbling piece to these early lyrics is that the composer of this beloved hymn, Eliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920) was an invalid at the time she wrote these words. How did she write with such joy?
After being devastatingly injured by one of her students, this teacher had every reason to be angry and bitter. Her injury was unfair and painful, yet she remained focused on the Lord. Even after being confined to her bed for months undoubtedly wondering if she would ever teach or even walk again, Eliza still chose joy. Her love for Jesus determined her praise rather than her circumstances, and the same can be true for us.
Her love for Jesus determined her praise rather than her circumstances, and the same can be true for us.
It brings God glory when we rejoice and pray and give thanks, and we are blessed by the joy this brings our soul when we do so. When we learn to praise God simply for who HE is, we too will find ourselves with springtime in our soul regardless of our season of circumstances.
Take a few moments to savor the newness of spring today. Count how many daffodils you see. Let each one remind you of the fresh hope we have each day in Jesus and rejoice, pray, and give thanks.
Join me in prayer:
Father God, thank you for the newness of each brand new day, and for the hope your love brings me even in bleak seasons. Point me to praise and thankfulness today. Help me pray instead of any worry or fear. Flood my heart with your love like springtime for my soul. In Jesus Name, Amen.