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    UNHURRY HACK: Choosing praise as our first action of the day helps set our focus on Jesus and becomes the lens through which we can view the day-His day. FIRST READ: Psalm 118 It is hard for our body to feel glad for the day when we first wake up in the morning. Our muscles are tired, our physical body craves more rest, and the day’s tasks beckon our immediate attention. Daily routine can become monotonous and exhausting if we limit our view of the day to our own schedules and efforts. Choosing praise as our first action of the day helps set our focus on Jesus and becomes the lens through which we can view the day-His day. Psalm 118:24 (seen below in the HCSB version) challenges us with three ways to start our day with praise: "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." 1. “THIS IS THE DAY”: God is calling you to this day, not tomorrow nor yesterday. Neither your past nor your future can claim you today (Philippians 3:13, Matthew 6:34). The LORD has purpose and a plan for this day. PRAISE GOD FOR HIS PURPOSE IN THIS DAY 2. “THE LORD HAS MADE”: We forget the significance of the sun coming up each morning and going down each evening, but it is God’s creation set in motion, and we get to witness it each day! (Psalm 104:19) PRAISE GOD FOR HIS CREATION OF A NEW DAY 3. “LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT”: This phrase is calling us to action. It does not merely say that rejoicing would be a good thing to do. It is not an empty “hashtag let’s do this thing” type of statement. We choose to rejoice and be glad in this day. Do you live like you are glad to be a follower of Christ? Will you be the hands and feet of Jesus today? Joy is contagious and the world notices the hope and joy that we have in Christ, but not if it is veiled in a scowl and complaint (Philippians 4:4-5). PRAISE GOD FOR YOUR LIFE IN CHRIST TODAY Regardless of circumstance or suffering, we always have a reason to praise! Let’s not grow complacent or give up on the world around us. It is easy to let the pain, suffering, and frustration of the world get us down, but the nightly news is not God’s News! As believers, we have so much more to look forward to when Jesus returns-the best has yet to come! The world still needs to hear the message of hope in Jesus. May we never forget, that God is very much still at work in the hearts of people in this world. The LORD has made this very day. Dear Lord, I rejoice in this day you have made. Help me to live like it is yours, not mine. Your creation is amazing, and you are in perfect control. You have purpose and a plan for this day. Prepare my heart for the people you will put across my path today. May I show them your love and the peace, hope, and joy that I have in you Jesus. Amen.


    UNHURRY HACK: Tell God what overwhelms you and let Him overwhelm you with His glory instead. FIRST READ: Psalm 61:1-3 Has your heart ever felt faint? Do you ever experience anxiety or worry? From time to time, that feeling of being overwhelmed or overworked floods our heart and mind, but Psalm 61 offers refuge. We have the opportunity to exchange our overwhelming anxiety for His overwhelming glory. In those moments when we feel like we are at the ends of the earth, or at the end of our rope, God rescues us. Psalm 61 reminds us to cry out to God. I love that this Psalm begins with prayer; it is the starting place for our refuge. Prayer is our offensive and defensive strategy. The Psalmist knows that even though he feels faint and distant, God’s ear is listening to those calling out His name. Morning, noon, and night God hears our voice (Psalm 55:16-17). Lead me Lord! Isn’t it comforting that we don’t have to know the way or have the strength to pull our self out from under the flood of whatever overwhelms us? We just have to call out His name and lift our hand to accept His rescue. God leads us out, and He protects us in the strong tower that is Himself. In the midst of chaos and demands we can still have peace and joy. Christ steadies us because He cannot be shaken. We need to go to the rock that is higher than our self and the strong tower against the enemy. God is our rock and our deliverer (Psalm 18:2). He is our sure foundation, and in that place of refuge we get to hand over our anxiety, our heavy burdens, confusion, fear…whatever overwhelms you today. In its place we get to lift our hands once again, but this time it is in praise and glory--because this time we are overwhelmed by the greatness of His glory. What a strong and refreshing posture to be overwhelmed by God’s power. What a safe place for children of God to rest and be restored. Is there anything in your life that feels overwhelming today? A task or burden that feels too heavy or too challenging? Instead of labored thoughts of worry and stress, think on the greatness of our God. Camp out in the Psalms, Psalm 103 for example, and marvel at God’s greatness. Tell God what overwhelms you and let Him overwhelm you with His glory instead. Start today in prayer: Father God, I am overwhelmed by your glory. Your love and mercy and goodness bring me to my knees in honor and praise. When I think upon Your creation and power, I am in awe with worship. Lord let these be the things that overwhelm me today instead of the worries of this world. In Jesus Name, Amen. Remember these 5 Truths the next time you feel overwhelmed:


    UNHURRY HACK: We can let go and let Jesus carry us. The back of the Almighty is tireless. FIRST READ: Isaiah 46:3-4 “Will God really stick with me?” It is hard to imagine that the One True God of all the universe would want to keep His promises to us, even after His people have been untrue. Our Mighty God loves us with an infinite love that we can only hope to learn to imitate. The Bible proclaims God’s character and message on every single page, one of which is that we have a God who stays. Isaiah wrote to call the nation of Judah back to God and to tell of salvation. “Listen to me, descendants of Jacob…” (vs 3). The mention of descendants of Jacob and remnant speaks to God’s covenant love for His people, keeping the promise He made long ago to Abraham (Genesis 17:7). Even though these descendants left to follow other people, places, and things, God kept His promise. He will be our God. As the Lord spoke this to His children long ago, He speaks to us today. This faith relationship we have today with our Mighty God through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ—it’s for a lifetime and all eternity. “Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” -- Psalm 68:19 He carries us. The back of the Almighty is tireless. We are a stubborn people who are easily distracted and prone to wander. What loving words are expressed in verse Isaiah 46:4. “I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” What a tender image of our Great Shepherd who not only tends His sheep, but who pursues the lost and rejoices when they are found (Luke 15:7). Our Father welcomes the repentant heart with open arms through the cleansing blood of Jesus. Sin and guilt make us wonder if we’ve strayed too far, or one too many times. There is such good news! The grace and forgiveness of God is steadfast like His love. Does this day find you wandering? Come back. We have a God who stays. Why is it so hard to let Him be our God? Why do we prefer our own destructive ways over His grace and goodness? Why do earthly things still lure our hope and trust? Generations have fought His love. Generations have fought His care. Let us be a people who fall at the feet of our Savior. Let it start with you and me. Let us proclaim His love to all the nations. He is our God, and we are His people. Do you let Jesus carry you, or are you fighting His love today. Are you trying to prove that you can do this life all by yourself? Let this be the day of surrender. Jesus knows you. Jesus made you. Jesus cares for you. Stop fighting and just relax, settle into His mighty arms today. Bask in love and promise. Rest there in His care. Father God, thank you for carrying me, for being a God who stays. I can stand on your promises because they are steadfast and true. Write your words on my heart today. Help me to let go of the worldly things I am clinging to that I think are holding me together and carrying me. Forgive me. I surrender these and choose your care today instead. In Jesus Name, Amen.


    UNHURRY HACK: ordinary people can have courage to step out in faith because we are equipped by an extraordinary God. FIRST READ: Psalm 46, Hebrews ch 11 I get stuck sometimes between faith and action, do you? It feels safe to snuggle up with our Bible and read and pray, but what happens when God calls us out of our quiet time chair? God is not stagnant nor does he call our heart to dormant faith. The Lord calls us to faith in Him that is as alive and active as He is. Faith has legs. Where are yours taking you? Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the hall of faith and records many lives who are remembered for their examples of faith in action. These men and women worshipped the Lord their God and when He called them to action, they obeyed. This is often the hardest part of our walk with God because it often requires us to leave our cozy comfort zones and go, do, & say something to glorify the Lord. Check out these action words: By faith Abel gave, Enoch went, Noah built, Abraham left and believed and offered, Sarah conceived, Isaac promised, Jacob blessed, Jacob commanded, Moses’ parents hid their baby, Moses led and commanded, Israelites walked and marched, and Rahab protected. In addition, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets overthrew and ruled and received what God had promised them. They shut lion’s mouths, quenched flames, and escaped death (see Hebrews 11: 4-34). This is the God we trust and serve too! Like you and me, these were ordinary people whom God equipped. These men and women aren’t remembered because they were perfect or wealthy or loved by the world. Instead, they are remembered because they said “yes” to an extraordinary God. Likewise, their actions were not done by their own strength or merit, but by faith in Him. We can walk with faith legs too! We are told, “their weakness was turned to strength” (Hebrews 11:34). This is true for us. We are told that Moses “kept his eyes on the one who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). This is our strategy as well. At some point Noah locked eyes with the invisible One and by faith picked up a hammer. More than a belief system, faith is the evidence of what takes place in your heart. As believers, our faith is secure and anchored in Christ for all eternity, but faith is also intended for daily use. Unlike a dormant item stored in a bank box or vault for safe-keeping, our faith is meant to be lived out. God intended faith to be the active proof of what the world can’t see. Faith shows the reality of our hope (Hebrews 11:1). Some Bible versions use the word confidence, assurance,or certainty. Each term calls us to live in the reality of God’s Truth. Measuring our attitudes and actions up to the Word of God provides a much needed “reality check” and allows our heart to live in the safety of the Lord’s care. Under His care we can learn to walk on our faith legs, one prayerful step at a time. Walking with the Lord is so much more than a feel good verse of the day and a grocery list of prayer requests. One of my favorite all time Bible verses is Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God!" This word stillness is not stagnancy but is used to get our attention, as in "halt, breathe, eyes back on me." This word calls us to relax and trust our Provider God because all victory and honor belongs to Him. Trusting the Lord begins with relationship and then continues through listening, learning, and living out His Word. These areas then give us courage we need for action. -Faith has legs. Where are yours taking you? -How will you respond to God? By faith will you follow Him? -Start today in prayer: Father God, you are Truth and my reality is found in You alone. I trust you Lord, and will follow you wherever you call me to go. Strengthen my shaky legs today and grow them into sturdy bold steps of faith for your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.


    UNHURRY HACK: We can invest in our time, but we can never make more of it. We can only change how we spend our minutes. FIRST READ: Ecclesiastes 3 When I think of my day quantitatively, I cringe at the minutes wasted on things that don’t really matter. Can you relate? So how do we make the most of our minutes without being chained to our clocks and schedules? God saw it fit to give us only 24 hours for each rotation of the earth. He was pleased with his creation and called it good. God then designated man to watch over his creation (Genesis 2:15). Do we also tend our minutes? Our days? Our years? Complacently, we live as though time is a blank check with an endless bank roll. Because it is ours, we often feel entitled to spend it however we wish, after all its my life. We’re a little selfish to share it, and we always want more of it. Likewise, it’s tempting to covet those who seem to have more of it. In reality, each one of us is given 24hours…1,440 minutes…86,400 seconds to spend each day. Each day’s allotment this daily bread of time, and just enough for each day. Because God is perfect, so is the span He made for day and night. Ironically, we spend a lot of energy trying to make more time. We hope to beat the clock and roll back time, but what about the minutes we have today? There is a lot of information out there claiming ways we can “save time.” Just google “time saving tips” and you can easily lose hours scrolling. Time is a funny Commodity. We can invest in our time, but we can never make more of it. We can only change how we spend our minutes. Ecclesiastes 3 puts our time in perspective. For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven (verse 1). God’s timing is perfect and He is at work in us and through us. Sanctification costs us many minutes, but perhaps this is what matters most. When we lean into Jesus, our moments become beautiful time spent learning to be more like Him. These minutes spill out of us and onto others. Perhaps these 1,440 minutes were never really our own, but a gift from God to share with others and bring Him glory. For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT) Solomon, in all his wisdom and experience, observed that while our day is important and full of activity, what matters most in life is our worship of the One True God. The Bible didn’t leave out a single piece of man’s heart and offers wise counsel in this area. Solomon experienced all of life’s pleasures and achievements and came to the conclusion that getting to know God was the only thing that really mattered in life. He called everything else “meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 1:1). Life is a gift to be enjoyed, but God doesn’t want us to miss the best part…our relationship with Him. What is on your schedule today? Will you spend some of your 1,440 minutes with God today? Reflect on the "5 questions to ask about your time" in the blue box above. Follow Jesus and let him show you how to make the most of your minutes this week. Father God, thank you for this day--it is a gift from you. There is beauty and purpose in the season of life I am in today. Quiet my heart to spend time getting to know you better and listening to you Jesus. Show me how I can spend my days bringing you glory--truly nothing else matters more than my relationship with you! In Jesus’ Name Amen.

  • Loving the Hard to Love: What is Maundy Thursday Anyway?

    UNHURRY HACK: Being unlovable steals a lot of energy & room in our heart. Jesus leads us and empowers us to love even the unlovable through his servant heart. FIRST READ: Luke 22:19-20 (ESV) 19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood Do you know anyone who is hard to love? Of course, we all do. And at first it would seem that it is their fault that they are so hard to love. After all, they are the ones driving us crazy, right? If they just didn’t have that annoying habit, then I could love. If they just treated me better, then I could love. If they were willing to see things my way, then I could love. Lord, I am trying to follow your commands, but look what I have to work with here? How can I love these people, when sometimes I don’t even like them? Let’s be honest here, in the crevices of even the most loving heart, there’s a little of that yuck in there. So how can we love the unlovable? Let’s journey back for a moment back to the Upper Room where Jesus shared a Passover meal with his disciples. Many Jews had traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festival, but Jesus knew this supper would be his last. Jesus took bread, gave thanks to God, then broke it and said, “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” After supper he took supper he took wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant between God and his people-an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you (Luke 22:19-20)” Under this new covenant, Jesus would die in the place of sinners. On the Thursday before his death on the cross, Jesus told us how to love. He gave us a mandate, or commandment, to follow when it comes dealing with people. The word “command” comes from the Latin word, mandatum. A shortened form of this word is “maundy,” which is where we get the term, “Maundy Thursday.” This commemorated day takes place on the Thursday before Easter. So on this important “mandate day,” as I like to call it, what did Jesus say? It was on this very evening, in that very room, that Jesus washed the feet of some of those very sinners. With a servant heart, Jesus humbly began to wash his disciples’ feet, dirty feet of those who didn’t feel worthy. Jesus told his disciples, “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you (John 13:15).” He continued, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NIV). How can we love others, even the hard to love? Learn the role of a servant’s heart that Jesus modeled for us. As we learn Christ’s love, Jesus gives us the capacity to love and serve like he did. None of us are worthy to be loved like Jesus loves us. We are hard to love, we don’t always treat him well, and we probably drive him a little crazy at times, yet in Jesus Christ’s perfect patience and love, he gives us nothing less. How is it that I cannot show that kind of patient love to others as you are patient with me Jesus? I am not worthy to be washed clean by you. Yet as my King, you took the role as humble servant when you took my place on the cross. Teach me your love for others. PRAYER FOR TODAY: Father God, teach me your mandate to love others as you love me. It doesn’t always come naturally for me. Lord, you know that person I struggle to love today. With the love shown to me by you Jesus, teach me to love others with a servant’s heart. Let me love others with your love today. In Jesus Name, Amen

  • Come Alive in Me

    UNHURRY HACK: Revival isn’t found in a mantra or a resolution. Lasting breath is found in Christ alone. FIRST READ: Psalm 143, Ezekiel 37:1-14 Are you running on empty? Are there areas in your life gasping for breath? More than just resting from physical activity, our soul often needs renewal. We all experience seasons from time to time that need fresh air and life breathed back into them. Are there areas in your life today that have grown stagnant or even unhealthy? I have certainly been there and it can be hard to find our way out of these stale places. However, it is in these moments that we can cry out to the Lord. Revive me O Lord! What needs renewal today?Here are a few examples: Revive my heart Revive my walk with God Revive my ministry Revive my outreach Revive my family Revive my marriage Revive my friendship Revive my workplace Revive my calling & the dreams you’ve put in my heart Lead me to your fountain of your fresh living water Jesus. “I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain” (Psalm 143:6). Are you like me and try to revive things yourself? A cry of my heart has often been, “If I just get my act together and do this or that perhaps things will change,” but my success and hope are short lived and short sighted. Because I’m not the source of life, my new start eventually fizzles and fails. Perhaps you’ve claimed similar promises for your day. “It’s time for a new me,” we say to ourselves. “The diet starts tomorrow,” “from now on I’m going to be more patient,” “starting today, no more negativity.” Sayings like these shape our thoughts and maybe even our routines for a while, but they don’t hydrate our thirsty soul. Lasting change in any area of our life begins and is maintained through a daily walk with Jesus. True change takes place when we start there first! I’ve learned that real change and revival aren’t found in a mantra or a resolution. Lasting breath is found in Christ alone. Daily, we need Jesus to show us how to take the hurry and hustle off of our heart, unhurry our heart and learn his pace instead. A life lived out daily with Jesus is the difference between minimal daily heartbeat and a life pulsing with joy and peace. We can commune with the Lord every hour, minute, and second of the day—what an amazing privilege and blessing for each Child of God: God’s Word is our hydration Prayer is our conversation God’s power is our execution A life with Jesus is a life of change because in him we are not just altered, we are a new creation. Our life is not limited to the flesh we see on our bones and the earthly oxygen in our lungs. We can live and breathe Christ’s every single day. “… anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (New Living Translation) Whether we are brand new to Jesus or a seasoned Christian we can cry out to God for revival in any stagnant area of our life. Ezekiel 37:1-14 tells of a valley of dry bones raised to walk in a new body and breath of life. If God can revive dried up sinew, how much more can he breathe life into you? Our fast paced world today wants instant results without the work and patience of the process. I am guilty of this too. Heart matters sometimes take time, but we can be certain that God hears our prayers (Psalm 143:1-6). We can put our trust in the Lord to guide our steps and recharge us daily with his unfailing love (Psalm 143:7-9). God will protect us from the enemy, sustain us, and preserve our life (Psalm 143:9-12). Father God, daily lead me to your Word, lift my head in prayer, and breathe your power into my life. When life feels stale and needs renewal, remind me to cry out to you… Revive me O Lord…Raise me to walk in you! In Jesus Name, Amen

  • Finding Hope Amidst the Headlines

    UNHURRY HACK: Every day we are inundated with news of the good, the bad, and the busy. Only when we filter today’s headlines through God’s truth are we able to rest in His joy and peace. FIRST READ: Philippians 4:6, Isaiah 9:1-7, & John 1:1-5 Every day we are inundated with news of the good, the bad, and the busy.Our heads and our hearts are filled to capacity with information, and before we can process all of it we are bombarded with even more. From world events to the latest cleaning tips, our brains rarely get a moment to rest. What in the world do we do with all of this information that comes at us each day? Information overload is nothing new to the world. News and gossip has always fought for human attention. Each snippet promises utmost importance and so we are prone to listen, but man is fallible so we are wise to use caution. Some information is credible, some is not. Some information we need, a lot of it we don’t. We spend hours reading screens, listening to experts, and speculating in conversation just trying to figure it all out. At the end of the day our certainty rests on only one thing--the infallible Word of God. Only when we filter today’s headlines through God’s truth are we able to rest in His joy and peace. Is there any hope amidst the headlines? As a Christian our hope is not confined to a breaking news story or hidden in the corners of the internet. Our hope is found in Jesus Christ and he is available to all. Do you feel overwhelmed today? Here are 3 scripture passages I have found to be helpful when my flesh fights worry over today’s headlines. Philippians 4:6 Don’t be anxious about anything…pray about everything (paraphrased) Isaiah 9:1-7 Darkness and despair will not go on forever…(paraphrased) John 1:1-5 Jesus is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. He is the light of the world. And darkness can never extinguish the light. (paraphrased) How can we apply these truths? Here is a simple acronym for those moments we wonder, "What in the world do we do with that information?" Think W.O.R.L.D.-- Amidst the headlines of today we can find hope as we remember and pray for the following: · W = Wonderful Counselor Our understanding is limited (even the “experts” of the world fall short), but God needs no teaching or advice. His ideas existed before any of ours. Anything we wonder about can be measured up against the plumb line of God’s Truth. Lord, I don’t know what to think about__________, lead me to your Truth. · O = One True God He was, is, and always will be Mighty God regardless of the news of the day. No act of humanity can rise above or extinguish the Almighty God. God is bigger than the greatest and worst breaking news story. Forgive me for letting __________ consume my thoughts and hope instead of you. Lead me in pure worship of you Jesus. · R = Rapha We can safely release all our fears and worries to God--He is Jehovah Rapha. Rapha means “to let go” and comes from the same root as the Hebrew word for doctor. We can completely entrust all uncertainty to the healing hands of our capable and trustworthy God. Jesus, I surrender to you all fear and worry about __________ today. You are the expert and I trust you with all the answers as I rest in your healing hands. · L = Light of the World Jesus is the True Light and He pierces the darkness. No matter how hard the world around us may try, darkness can never extinguish the Light. What a comfort this is in a dark world. In our hurting and worried world, we have the opportunity to share our hope and truth in Christ. Pierce the darkness of this world in mighty ways today and draw many more people to your unfailing love and faithfulness. Give me boldness and clarity to tell of you Jesus. I pray for __________ by name today. · D = Deliverer Jesus is the Messiah. He delivered us from our sin and will deliver us one day from this broken world. No issue will be left unresolved. He is the Prince of Peace. Jesus, you are the hope of the world. No technology or modern advancement can compare to you. Father God, I rest in your peace and joy today. In Jesus Name, Amen

  • When I’m Hanging by a Thread

    UNURRY HACK: Google holds a lot of information, but there is only one resource that holds the breath of God. FIRST READ PSALM 94 Psalm 94:18-19 (ESV) 18 When I thought, “My foot slips,” your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. 19 When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. WE’VE ALL EXPERIENCED DAYS THAT LEAVE US HANGING BY A THREAD. Situations that are unfair, unclear, or seem unending can fill our heart to its capacity and leave us dangling from cliffs of worry. The great “what-ifs” oppress our thoughts and beg us to fear the worst. However, the Great I AM has a different message: Jesus not only steadies our feet, but also fills our soul with joy. It is safe to release our white-knuckled grip around our heart and fall into Jesus. When our fingers tighten against these cliffs of concerns, the thing that feels least logical is letting go. What awaits us in the freefall? Questions like this keep our eyes fastened to the ledge rather than fixed on our Savior. Verse 18 tells us we are safe to let go and fall headlong into Jesus, your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. HOW DO WE FALL INTO JESUS? The Psalmist started in the right place--He prayed. Even in our thoughts, we can cry out to God and He hears us and delivers us (Psalm 34:17). O Lord, regardless of the events of this day, default my heart to prayer. First we pray. Next, God offers to exchange whatever thread we are barely hanging onto for His sure promises in Christ. The Bible is our manual for how to deal with every situation life throws at us. God’s Word is the plumb line by which we can measure all else. Reading God’s Truth not only calms us down, but renews our hope and cheers our soul. Google holds a lot of information, but there is only one resource that holds the breath of God. O Lord, regardless of the questions about this day, default my heart to the Bible. We cry out. We exchange our thread. Lastly, we rest. Jesus calls us to cling to him alone. Our Savior is not only perfect, he’s eternal. All other threads will slip away. Nothing in our life can fulfill the role intended for our one true Savior Jesus Christ. Being a perfect person, a perfect parent, a perfect employee…these are not the things that hold us together. Having the right relationships, things, and titles do not save us. These empty threads will fail us. Daily as we deal with circumstances and hard realities in our lost and broken world, it is only Jesus who saves us. He steadies, soothes, and strengthens us. O Lord, regardless of the temptations this day that promise to hold me together, default my heart to rest in Jesus. What worries do you need to let go of today? Grab hold of the Thread, the life-line that is Jesus himself. Give him the cares of your heart and let Jesus steady your feet and renew your soul with his everlasting love and joy. Father God, I cry out to you today and rest in your steadying grip and comfort. Let Your Word fill my thoughts today in place of any worry. Lord, strengthen me and renew my hope today. Hold me up when my foot feels like it’s slipping out from underneath me. Console and cheer my heart today. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • Catching up on Spiritual Rest

    UNHURRY HACK: Rest is found in God's presence & He invites us to dwell there. FIRST READ: Psalm 91 DOES YOUR BODY FEEL RESTED? Rest is something our physical bodies need to survive, yet many of us go about our day in deficit. In a recent study published in the New York Post*, 65% of the sample surveyed admitted they rarely woke up feeling rested. 42% reported feeling tired by noon. Perhaps you can relate. When we are tired, our body doesn’t function as well and we don’t relate as well to others. While many factors contribute to this deprivation, tired bodies have become a common side effect of today’s busy routine and distraction. WHAT ABOUT SPIRITUAL REST? Rest is mentioned throughout the Bible and often linked to dwelling in God’s presence. Psalm 91 is an illustration of the Lord’s blessing and provision of rest as we place our trust in Jesus. Psalm 91:1-2 says, He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." (NIV) Can you say of the Lord that He is your refuge and your fortress? As a follower of Christ, God’s Word affirms this promise, but do we live with that mindset? Do we watch the world around us with spiritual eyes? Do we respond with a spiritual mouth? Do we listen to headlines with spiritual ears? Do we process hurt through a spiritual heart? It can be easy to compartmentalize Bible stuff and forget it’s made for the stuff of this life. I’m guilty of this too--our physical eyes see physical things, and sometimes we forget to view the world a Child of God. So, our challenge remains: Will we choose to filter life through limited human understanding or the unlimited promises of God? God’s rest is important for our whole wellbeing. Like our bedtimes, we can push back God’s promises and wake up feeling sleepy. Psalm 91 explains we are safe in God’s rest. When we surrender our life to Jesus Christ, God promises us the gift of eternal life and rest with Him in heaven. But, we don’t have to wait until heaven to enjoy the peace and rest of God’s presence—we can enjoy His presence every single day. Is God your dwelling place? Do you live each day tucked under the wings of the Lord shielded by his faithfulness? This means that even if harm comes our way Jesus is right there with us fighting on our behalf. This world is full of struggles and hurt, not because God is mean or doesn’t care, but because we are living out our days in a fallen world awaiting God’s perfect restoration. God doesn’t just band-aid this world, He is making all things new (Revelation 21:5). Isaiah 43:2 says that when we pass through the waters, waves won’t sweep over us. When we walk through fire, flames won’t consume us. This is the language of Psalm 91. The battle is real, but our God wins. Neither wave nor flame gets to have the hearts of God’s children. Our peace and joy are only taken from us when we hand it over to the enemy. Headlines and hurts may scare us, but Jesus explains in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Why does God fight for His children? Psalm 91:14 reminds us it is our love relationship with the Lord. A relationship involves two parties. We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19). Do you rest in this relationship today? Bask in the language of Psalm 91 today. Are you ready to stop being your own refuge today? Me too! The daily forts we try to build around us are sticks and pebbles compared to the impenetrable tower of the Almighty God where He invites us to live our days. Experience life from the safety of God’s refuge today. Let Jesus patrol the ramparts of His strong tower and shield you with His faithfulness. Dwell there in His shelter. Daily listen and talk to God in prayer. Daily read about life and the promises God gave his children to live it out. We often forget the Bible is our teaching manual to be used, marked up, and memorized to do this job we call living life. Bask in God’s promise and presence…experience hope amidst the headlines, headaches and heartaches of today--catch up on some spiritual rest today. Cited Article*

  • Get Ready for Victory

    Every situation has room for God’s victory. Will we call upon the Lord? Will we listen and follow His lead? Even in the bleariest of chapters…even when we’ve strayed, we can let God weave his hope, peace, love, and joy into our story. UNHURRY HACK: When we take our focus off what we are lacking, we are able to see our Provider God. We can follow the Lord and leave the logistics to Him. FIRST READ: Judges 4 Hopelessness is no match for God. It never has been. For twenty years God had allowed oppression under the Canaanites as a result of Israel’s desire to follow evil instead of the Lord their God. As it so often happens, sin led to their misery. After Sisera and his 900 iron chariots brought Israel to their knees in oppression, the Israelites were finally ready to bend a knee in worship, crying out to the Lord to save them. God heard them and spoke to Deborah. She immediately called Barak into action, who was serving as Israel’s judge at the time. By God’s hand they led Israel into victory, and pointed mankind once more to our true Savior and Deliverer, Jesus Christ. Then Deborah said to Barak, “Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?” So Barak went down Mount Tabor, with ten thousand men following him. Judges 4:14 (NIV) Soldier versus Chariot. Flesh versus iron. Victory was out of reach by the world’s standards, but not for those whom God was leading that day. God miraculously threw Sisera’s army into confusion causing every single one of his men to be killed. Sisera jumped off his shiny chariot and fled to a nearby tent belonging to a woman named Jael who killed him with a tent peg, thus fulfilling Deborah’s prophecy. God saved Israel because He loved them. God will never stop loving us either. We don’t ever have to stay in a place of misery and defeat. As God’s Children, He wants to save us, deliver us, and lead us into daily victory through Christ as we follow Him. When we take our focus off what we are lacking, we are able to see our Provider God. We can follow the Lord and leave the logistics to Him. Psalm 20:7 reminds us, “Some trust in chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” What is your “Sisera” today? Are there changes you want to make this year? Strongholds you want to break? What kinds of chariots make victory seem out of reach? Cry out to God today! Listen and follow the One who leads us. Listen and follow Christ’s lead into hope, peace, love, and joy in all circumstances.. Get ready for victory… Victory has a name--His name is Jesus! Father God, you are the God who saves. You are Deliverer. The world intimidates me and feels defeating at times. But Oh, when we remember the army on our side! You are Lord of Hosts! I lift up to you today the chariots that stand in my way from trusting and following you. Forgive my heart from choosing my understanding over your incredible ways! In Jesus Name, Amen.

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