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  • Writer's pictureMegan Evans

When Our Sheep-Like Hearts Need To Be Found

Unhurry Hack: Human emotions and desires will lead us to follow the wrong voice, but there is rescue and rest in God’s Truth and Hope.

First Read John 10

Feature verse: John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Are you prone to wander like I am? Oh how we like to wander off to follow worry, rebellion, hurt, and confusion…even laziness.

One of the scariest experiences I ever had as a small child was the moment I realized I was lost. I can remember standing in the middle of our local shopping mall paralyzed somewhere between a large fountain and the food court. Alone and vulnerable, I realized that I had followed the wrong yellow skirt out of the department store where my parents and I had been shopping.

Moments later, I began to hear my name called and saw my mother in her brightly colored skirt and my father running towards me. I was finally back in the arms of safety. Though I am an adult now and no longer in my parents full care and watch, I am reminded often that I am still prone to wander.

We have a Shepherd who knows our name (John 10:3)

Praise be to God that we have a Good Shepherd! We have sheep-like hearts that need regular guidance and protection. Oh how we like to wander off to follow worry, rebellion, hurt, and confusion…even laziness.

It’s scary to look up and realize we’ve strayed or find ourselves in a landscape of thoughts that lack any sight of Jesus. In these moments our Great Shepherd feels distant, but He’s not. He’s calling us back to His side even now.

Our Good Shepherd loves us, sees us, and cares for us every single day, and no one but Jesus Christ could ever fill that perfect role.

Just think of some of the shepherds listed in the Bible: Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and even the prophet Amos. While they were all great at leading flocks and following God’s call, they were fallible and susceptible to sin.

They broke promises, they doubted and lost their temper, and they acted selfishly and foolishly at times. Ultimately, their understanding was only human sized. They could never fully rescue and redeem, nor could they love with God-sized grace and mercy.

Jesus says of himself in John 10:11, “I am the good shepherd.” Praise be to God, our Lord and Savior not only came to this earth fully man; He came fully God ready to lay down His life for the sheep. He is still the Shepherd who leads us beside still waters (Psalm 23) and the One who braves the wild to rescue the lost (Matthew 18:12).

Do you have a wandering heart today? There is no substitute for Christ’s life-giving call. Human emotions and desires will lead us to follow the wrong voice, but there is rescue and rest in God’s Truth and Hope.

It is so good to be found by Jesus. How will you respond to His voice today?

JOIN ME IN PRAYER TODAY: Father God, lead me back to your side today. In my moments of pain, feelings, or despair, help me hear Your voice and listen to Your Truth. You alone are the balm and care my spirit needs today. In Jesus Name, Amen.

“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? --Matthew 18:12


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