UNHURRY HACK: Make time for discipleship.

Who in your life has nurtured your spiritual growth? A parent or grandparent? Perhaps there were others in your life who “spiritually” raised you and shepherded you. God carefully tucks these men and women into the background of our story, leading you and I to the places we are today. Check out 5 ways to honor people who nudge us to Jesus (see below).
Matthew 21:1-5 (NIV) :
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them,
“Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”
This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:
“Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”
A colt--the foal of a donkey. In human terms, this was a baby boy. And this baby boy, so to speak, had been chosen on this Kingdom day to carry the Messiah, who came as a baby boy also humbly born in a manger stall. Words of prophecy were fulfilled as Christ prepared to enter Jerusalem as her King (Zechariah 9:9). Tucked into the background of this moment, there is a sweet picture of motherhood.

Tucked into the background of this moment, there is a sweet picture of motherhood.
Jesus sends two disciples to retrieve both donkey and colt. Notice the tender language used in verse 2, “with her colt by her,” and “the Lord needs them.” Verses 6-10 further tell that the disciples did as they were commanded, bringing the donkey and colt to Jesus, then spread their garments over the colt for Jesus to ride. Mama donkey is not mentioned in the other gospel accounts, but we are blessed here with a precious detail and encouragement for all who shepherd little ones. Matthew, a former tax collector, would have been conditioned to record details, especially those concerning personal property. God certainly wastes nothing in our life for His glory and our ultimate good!
As this colt prepared to toddle down crowded and unfamiliar streets, his mama would be by his side. This mama would nudge her little one to honor and obey Jesus. She would model for him the way to follow Jesus’ commands. She would teach this little one about humble serving. Her presence would reassure him, guide him, and comfort him in the presence of loud voices and waving palm branches while Jesus made his regal entrance.

Raising and shepherding children of all ages can be tiring and thankless. And to the mothers, teachers, and mentors, be encouraged today! While it feels routine at times to be tucked into the background story of our little ones, God is doing big things for big days on His Kingdom calendar through our small daily nudges. Keep pointing them to Jesus!
Make time for discipleship. Whether you are discipling children or your peers, the moments we spend teaching others how to follow Jesus is valuable! In our fast-paced world it is tempting to think we don't have time. In our look-at-me world, it is easy to think we don't measure up. In our hard-to-impress world, it feels like we need big programs and credentials. In reality, a willing heart is all it takes. With sincerity and intentionality, we can nudge others to Jesus while we are learning to do the same.
...a willing heart is all it takes.
Thank those who've nudged you.
May this account in Matthew encourage us to say thank you to mothers who discipled us. And perhaps there were others in your life who “spiritually” raised you and shepherded you. God carefully tucked these men and women into the background of your story, leading you to the place where you are today. Who in your life has nurtured your walk and nudged you to Jesus?

5 ways we can honor people who nudge us to Jesus:
THANK - Write a note telling her about the difference she made in your life.
TREAT - Invite her to coffee or other small gesture to enjoy her company.
TELL - Sharing your testimony of your spiritual growth not only honors her, but may encourage others to do the same.
TRAIN - Become a mentor. Use what you have learned from her and continue making disciples.
TAKE AFTER JESUS - This is the ultimate way to honor anyone who disciples us--let your life reflect Jesus!
Father God, thank you for the many people you have woven into the background of my story in order to teach me Your Story. Show me “little colts” in this world who need to be nudged to Jesus. Teach me how to point them to Your love and grace. May I serve you with a joyful heart in the routine-ness of my day today. In Jesus Name, amen.